Capacity Building in Monitoring & Evaluation and Training of Trainees of the Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PARSEP) project

Project ID: 



Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Featured services: 
Capacity Building
January, 2005

The Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PARSEP) project is supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC). It aims to support the national officers who are responsible of monitoring and evaluating the Poverty Reduction Strategic Frameworks (PRSF) in five West African countries. Universalia was mandated to review the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tools made available to officers in the five countries, to suggest updated tools for Results-Based Management (RBM), to develop trainings for trainees, including a training manual. Thirty representatives of ten ministries came from the five countries to follow the 10-day training. The training of trainees was covering the following aspects: M&E of PRSF, the development of indicators, M&E tools for projects that are financed by international agencies and by national governments (such as the logical framework, the accountability framework, etc.), the definition of a result, the methodologies and approaches to M&E (Terms of Reference, indicators, methodologies for data collection and analysis, information system to collect data, and reporting).

Release Date: 
January, 2005

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