Projects Worldwide



The Governance and Justice Program (GJ) funds research that addresses development challenges posed by insecurity, injustice, and the abuse of power. The GJ supports evidence-based research that helps citizens and public authorities address the sources of violence, exclusion, poor governance and...
Universalia was recently contracted by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) to conduct a final evaluation of the Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) program. Financed jointly by IDRC and DfID, SAIC’s primary objective is to document the linkages between urban violence, poverty, and...
The multi-country evaluation of the HRBAP was carried out by an evaluation team of five consultants, including a Lead Evaluator, Senior Human Rights Expert and Humanitarian Expert. Universalia was asked to review the application of HRBAP at the UNICEF country office, regional office and...
CIVICUS is an international alliance of members and partners that works to strengthen citizen action and civil society throughout the world. It acts as an advocate for citizen participation as an essential component of governance and democracy worldwide. In this context, Universalia was asked to...
At the request of the Dirección de Presupuestos (DIPRES) of the Government of Chile, the World Bank conducted a review of the government’s evaluation system, which has been in place since 1997. As part of this broader study, Universalia carried out a meta-evaluation of a small sample of the...