Projects Worldwide



UniCon, a joint venture of Universalia and the Conference Board of Canada, monitored three projects in the good governance portfolio and advisory support on monitoring results at the program level for both the governance portfolio and the Viet Nam program overall. At the project level, UniCon...
Universalia was commissioned to assist SAGE in its development and elaboration of an action plan aimed at positioning SAGE as the key actor in the field of sustainable development in Madagascar.
In partnership with The Governance Network of Ottawa, Canada, a forward-looking organizational performance review of the 22 ministries of the Government of Guyana was conducted that featured the system-wide usage of Universalia’s Institutional and Organizational Assessment methodologies and other...
The STD/HIV Control project in Kenya is an initiative of the University of Manitoba in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, funded by CIDA. The project believes that focused interventions can have a considerable impact on the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the population. The evaluation...
Universalia was asked to carry out an independent assessment of PARTNERS, a non-profit organization that enables poor rural communities in developing nations to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The objectives of the assessment were to: 1) provide reliable findings, and practical recommendations for...
Universalia carried out an assessment of the soundness of ICDDRB (known as the Centre for Health and Population Research, which is local NGO) prior to developing a proposal to receive additional financial assistance from CIDA. The approach used in this study was based on the institutional and...
Universalia assisted UNIFEM in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of its existing performance management and monitoring systems and in developing a performance management framework that the organization can use to monitor and assess its performance in realizing the objectives and results of its...
Universalia designed and facilitated training activities for more than 600 participants from the Public Sector. The workshops aimed at building capacities of Ministries and NGOs in assessing their organizational performance and implementing changes. Funded by the Inter-American Development Bank,...
Using an organizational assessment model, Universalia undertook an assessment of ICHRDD and its programs including interviews with more than 60 people from 48 organizations in 25 countries. The review included two case studies on ICHRDD’s Women’s Program and Globalization and Human Rights Program....
Universalia assisted UNIFEM in reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of its corporate performance monitoring and reporting systems and in developing a performance management framework that it could use to monitor, assess and report on its performance at the project, program and national and...
