Evaluation of agricultural advocacy in Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania

Universalia has been awarded a contract by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct an evaluation of its Advocacy for Agricultural Development in Africa Portfolio (AADAP).

The evaluation aims to take stock of the results of the portfolio and understand the effectiveness of advocacy by non-state actors (such as civil society organizations and farmer associations) in Africa. It will also examine the landscape of opportunities for promoting policies and budgets that are beneficial for smallholder farmers across Africa.

The evaluation has focused on 11 Africa countries, with field missions conducted to Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania in June and July. In addition, Dr. Marie-Helene Adrien, the team leader for this evaluation, participated in the CAADP (Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme) in Gabon in May 2018 to talk to practitioners and agricultural experts to better understand the opportunities and challenges facing agricultural development in Africa.

The evaluation will lead to a report for the Gates Foundation as well as a learning webinar for other stakeholders.