Framework Agreement on the Performance of Meta-Evaluations, Syntheses, Reviews, Pre-Reviews, and Peer Reviews of Evaluations

ID Projet: 

Secteurs d'activité:


Gouvernment du Finlande
Katrina Rojas
Service offert: 
Suivi et évaluation
Janvier, 2015
Veuillez noter que la description de ce projet est disponible en anglais seulement.

Within a framework arrangement of two years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland contracted Universalia to conduct the following tasks: i) meta-evaluations and syntheses of decentralized evaluation reports, which may constitute of appraisals (ex-ante evaluations), mid-term evaluations, end of activity evaluations and ex-post evaluations. This category of reviews usually includes from 10 to 40 documents with terms of references and annexes per one meta-evaluation and synthesis; ii) meta-evaluations and syntheses of the centralized evaluation reports, including the terms of reference, annexes and management arrangements; iii) peer reviews (two reviewers per evaluation) of evaluation reports commissioned by EVA-11; iv) pre-reviews (preliminary reviews) and document material collection, classification and analysis exercises prior to the actual wider evaluations; and v) other ad hoc assignments or reviews on topical issues.

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Date de parution: 
Janvier, 2015