


Universalia assisted UNIFEM in reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of its corporate performance monitoring and reporting systems and in developing a performance management framework that it could use to monitor, assess and report on its performance at the project, program and national and...
Universalia provided a performance review advisory services to CIDA’s MBA projects in Latvia, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic. The end-of-project performance reviews were aimed at identifying project results and satisfaction of CIDA’s Key Success Factors for projects. The reviews provided...
The Canada-Poland Entrepreneurs Fund (CPEF) is a $32 million CIDA project designed to encourage the creation and development of the Polish private sector in northwest Poland through loans to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The Project provides up to $24 million resources for loan...
The Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE) training program was designed to build institutional capacity for analyzing social issues and implementing sustainable reforms in transition economies. Universalia co-lead a team of consultants in monitoring: 1) The program using results...
As part of the ten-year educational plan of the Ministry of Education of Niger, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Government of Niger contracted Universalia to conduct an organizational audit of the Ministry of Education, based upon a field mission in Niger in June 2001....
Universalia was mandated by the WBI to conduct a mid-term review of the US$5 million Social Funds Program in Togo. The evaluation questions included the effectiveness of the fund to reach targeted populations, support grassroots projects, involving stakeholders in project design and implementation...
Extensive data was gathered for the evaluation from a variety of sources – including 150 participant interviews, 305 participant questionnaires, 579 interactive session questionnaires, interviews with 21 old and new Councillors and 12 senior IUCN managers who had a specific responsibility for a...
The overall objective of CGEF (1996-2001) was aimed at complementing the Division’s efforts toward meeting women’s needs by focusing on creating the space and potential for women to advance their strategic interests across all aspects of their lives. In addition, objectives were identified for each...
Dans le cadre d’un prêt de la banque interaméricaine au gouvernement de Belize pour la mise en ouvre de la réforme agraire Universalia a effectué une évaluation participative du Ministère des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement. Cette évaluation s’articulait autour des points suivant : a) l...
Universalia managed this project designed to increase the availability of skilled managers and trainers in the Caribbean community and to strengthen the capacity of regional institutions and national governments to coordinate and manage HRD investments on a regional basis. Universalia coordinated:...
