La Banque mondiale a confié à un consortium, dirigé par Universalia et auquel participaient Itad et R4D, le mandat de concevoir et de réaliser des évaluations au niveau des pays pour le Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation (PME) de 2017 à 2020, conformément au volet des résultats et des mesures de...
The West African Capital Market Development Project promotes regional integration, both in terms of infrastructure (by financing regional infrastructure projects) and financial markets, across the eight WEAMU countries. It: (1) contribute to the development of the capital market in the eight...
Universalia was mandated by the WBI to conduct a mid-term review of the US$5 million Social Funds Program in Togo. The evaluation questions included the effectiveness of the fund to reach targeted populations, support grassroots projects, involving stakeholders in project design and implementation...