


Using an organizational assessment model, Universalia undertook an assessment of ICHRDD and its programs including interviews with more than 60 people from 48 organizations in 25 countries. The review included two case studies on ICHRDD’s Women’s Program and Globalization and Human Rights Program....
L’ACDI a mandaté Universalia pour évaluer un volet de sa programmation réalisée en Haïti entre 1994 et 2002. Cette évaluation des impacts et des activités avait comme objectif de mettre en évidence les résultats issus des activités d’appui et aussi d’alimenter les réflexions quant aux projets qui...
Universalia assisted UNIFEM in reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of its corporate performance monitoring and reporting systems and in developing a performance management framework that it could use to monitor, assess and report on its performance at the project, program and national and...
Universalia a conçu, animé et évalué plus de 35 ateliers en développement organisationnels dans 19 pays d’Amérique latine touchant ainsi 675 participants de la fonction publique, du secteur privé et des ONGs. Ce mandat octroyé par le Conseil d’administration de la banque interaméricaine avait comme...
Universalia assisted UNIFEM in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of its existing performance management and monitoring systems and in developing a performance management framework that the organization can use to monitor and assess its performance in realizing the objectives and results of its...
The overall objective of CGEF (1996-2001) was aimed at complementing the Division’s efforts toward meeting women’s needs by focusing on creating the space and potential for women to advance their strategic interests across all aspects of their lives. In addition, objectives were identified for each...
Universalia was commissioned to carry out an organizational assessment of UNHCR with a focus on human resources management, organizational strategy, financial management and field operations review. This review provided an independent assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of UNHCR...
Universalia a mené une étude exploratoire sur les enjeux reliés aux parties IV, V et VI de la Loi sur les langues officielles (LLO). Cette étude est une source d’information afin d’élaborer le cadre de l’évaluation sommative de l’initiative Centre d’excellence en langues officielles (CELO) du...
