


Au cours des neuf dernières années, la BMGF a réalisé d’importants investissements dans la défense du développement agricole africain sans qu’aucune évaluation formelle et complète n’ait été effectuée pour mesurer l’efficacité et l’impact de ces investissements. La BMGF a retenu les services d’...
Universalia réalise l’évaluation des stratégies et programmes de la BAD au Maroc sur la période 2004-2013, qui vise à évaluer les résultats de développement de la Banque, ainsi que les facteurs de succès et d’échec. Elle cherche aussi à identifier des leçons pour améliorer la prochaine Stratégie...
GDPRD is a joint donors’ initiative aiming to foster donor coordination and to contribute to improving aid effectiveness in the rural sector. Platform members contracted Universalia to review and assess the Platform’s effectiveness, efficiency and continued relevance with the view of informing the...
The GDPRD commissioned Universalia to undertake a network evaluation in December 2007. GDPRD is a joint donors’ initiative aimed at fostering donor coordination and contributing to improving aid effectiveness in the rural sector in order to put “agriculture back on the agenda”. GDPRD was founded in...
Universalia was mandated to carry out a series of both program and organizational assessments of PDAP, a six-member consortium representing over 300 Filipino NGO working in the areas of sustainable agriculture and rural enterprise, over a period of eight years. The assignments involved field...
Universalia was asked to carry out an independent assessment of PARTNERS, a non-profit organization that enables poor rural communities in developing nations to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The objectives of the assessment were to: 1) provide reliable findings, and practical recommendations for...
