


CIDA, under leadership of EMM Branch, has recently established a working group (WG) on the application of RBM in fragile states. The purpose of the assignment was for the consultant to assist and advise CIDA EMM branch with regards to the following key tasks: Preparation and Planning of...
Universalia conducted an evaluation of AIESEC Canada, a student-run organization providing leadership opportunities and international exchanges for students and recent graduates. Key issues in this review were an examination of the ongoing relevance of this organization and potential duplications...
Centraide is a Canadian NGO that works to combat poverty in Montreal by conducting an annual fundraising campaign that involves thousands of volunteers, and by financing a network of community agencies and projects. Universalia helped Centraide to develop logical frameworks to guide their programme...
CPHA was the agency managing a multi-year CIDA project with the Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT). SAT mutated from a CIDA project to an autonomous NGO, funded by development agencies in Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as Canada. The new funding agencies wanted an evaluation of the HR capacity...
Universalia was selected to conduct the third evaluation of the infoDev Global Partnership Programme focusing on the development of innovative ICT4D approaches. The purpose of the assignment was to carry out a performance assessment of the entire infoDev program. More specifically, the evaluation’s...
The objective of this project was to assist the Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board in developing a master plan (including generation, transmission, and distribution) to the year 2015, and formulate and implement appropriate tariff policies. The project was developed into six major components....
Universalia a rempli le mandat d’évaluer la pertinence et l’impact des programmes d’OIDD sur les individus qui ont participé directement aux cours et aux activités d’OIDD ainsi que sur leurs collègues et leurs partenaires institutionnels. Plus précisément, cette évaluation avait pour objectif de...
L’Alliance des Villes est une coalition de villes et de leurs partenaires de développement qui sont engagés à soutenir et mettre en place des approches de réduction de pauvreté qui ont fait leurs preuves. En février 2006, Universalia a été sélectionné pour mener à bien l’évaluation de l’Alliance...
The evaluation focused on the implementation of two major programmes: Enhancing Human Security through Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS (HSP) and UNIFEM Africa Regional Programme of Action on HIV/AIDS (ARP). The overall objectives of the evaluation was to generate knowledge that underpins...
Universalia undertook the review with a view to obtaining insights on the quality, use, and efficiency of the production cycle of the first three EFA Global Monitoring Reports. More specifically, the key objectives of the formative review, as defined in the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the review...
