Evaluation of Progress in Establishment of the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility

Project ID: 



International Land and Tenure Facility, Rights and Resources Initiative
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Featured services: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
July, 2017 to December, 2017

As the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility (the ‘Tenure Facility’ or ‘TF’) moved from its incubation period through to its establishment phase, the TF and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) commissioned Universalia to conduct this evaluation, assessing both programmatic and institutional development and progress made to-date, with a view to informing the ongoing institutionalization of the Tenure Facility. It focused on assessing the relevance, added value and niche of the initiative within the broader institutional landscape related to land and forest tenure, as well as its performance to date and sustainability. The evaluation was undertaken through three lenses of analysis: 1) a contextual lens to situate the Tenure Facility within its context and external environment; 2) a performance lens to assess what has been achieved programmatically to date, considering the cross-cutting issues of gender equity, conflict sensitivity, as well as environment and climate change mitigation/adaption; 3) an organizational lens to examine institutional aspects such as design, capacities, governance, management, MEL, communications, stakeholder relations, sustainability and efficiency. A total of 156 stakeholders were consulted through interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD), in person, via phone/Skype, in Washington DC and through field missions to Peru, Mali and Indonesia.

Release Date: 
July, 2017

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