Evaluation of UNFPA support to gender equality and the women’s empowerment 2012-2020

Project ID: 



Katrina Rojas
Natalie Martin
Featured services: 
Monitoring and Evaluation
October, 2020 to June, 2021

Universalia assesses the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of UNFPA support to gender equality and women's
empowerment (GEWE) across development and humanitarian settings (including the COVID-19 pandemic) over three strategic periods.

The evaluation also assesses the extent to which UNFPA has effectively positioned itself as a player among national partners, within
the UN system, and the broader community working to advance GEWE. The team generates knowledge from past and current UNFPA
support to GEWE and identify lessons learned, to inform the design of the next UNFPA Strategic Plan (2021-2024) as well as UNFPA’s
position within Agenda 2030.

The assignment is a global thematic evaluation that includes 14 country case studies and one regional
case study in Latin-America and the Caribbean.

Release Date: 
October, 2020

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