Haiti: An Evaluation of WFP’s Country Strategic Plan (July 2019 – December 2022)

Project ID: 



World Food Programme (WFP)
Maria Fustic
Featured services: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
August, 2021 to February, 2023

In line with its global strategic shift, in 2017, WFP began transitioning from project-based planning to country strategy planning to consolidate its portfolio and achieve a more integrated and coherent approach across interventions through the development of the Jan 2018 – Jun 2019 Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (T-ICSP). In 2018, a full Country Strategic Plan (CSP) was developed for Haiti for the period 2019-2022. The CSP builds on the framework and planned strategic shift encompassed in the T-ICSP and a provides a focus in agriculture, climate change and vulnerability, education, gender, internally displaced people and immigration, and humanitarian protection. Universalia conducted a participatory, theory-based, utilization-focused evaluation that provided accountability for results to WFP stakeholders and provided evaluation evidence and learning on WFP's performance to inform country-level strategic decisions and the development of the next CSP. Guided by OECD-DAC and ALNAP criteria, the CSPE assessed relevance, coherence, effectiveness, sustainability, connectedness (Nexus), efficiency and coverage (as well as learning, partnerships, and strategic positioning). The CSPE was also guided by the UNEG Norms and Standards and the UNEG Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Evaluation in the UN System. Anchored in a mixed-methods approach, data collection involved desk review and stakeholder consultations. Analytic methods included descriptive analysis, content analysis, quantitative/statistical analysis, efficiency analysis, effectiveness analysis and cross-cutting analysis.  

Release Date: 
March, 2023

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