Independent Evaluation of C&A Foundation’s Overall Effectiveness (2014/15 – 2019/20)

Project ID: 



C&A Foundation
Eric Abitbol, PhD
Florence Allard-Buffoni
February, 2019 to November, 2019

C&A Foundation is a corporate foundation of the fashion and apparel retailer C&A. The foundation developed a new vision and mission in 2011, crafting a fashion industry focused strategy in 2013. C&A Foudation undertook an overall effectiveness evaluation (OEE) (2014/15-2019/2020) “to assess the extent to which the foundation is making progress towards achieving its vision, mission and strategic objectives”. Universalia conducted an evaluation that critically examined the stated vision and purpose of the foundation and the extent to which it achieved (and/or made progress towards) programme strategic objectives. The evaluation provided a retrospective assessment of the overall effectiveness of the foundation to distil forward-looking strategic recommendations and lessons. It identifed strengths, weaknesses and (missed) opportunities in the foundation’s grant making programmes, its approaches and its organizational/functional and governance structures. It also identified emerging outcomes and trajectories towards long-term impact and systemic change across the fashion industry.

Release Date: 
February, 2019

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