


Universalia recently assembled a multi-disciplinary team to undertake the early formative evaluation of the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility, a multi-donor program somewhat analogous to the Cities Alliance. The evaluation currently under way focuses on the relevance, effectiveness and...
CDB BNTF Team requested that operations audits be conducted in seven of the ten BNTF Offices (BNTFOs) to assess the extent to which each BNTFO’s governance structure, personnel, financial capability, management and monitoring and evaluation systems, and inter-institutional linkages allow it to...
Since 2004 Universalia has provided performance monitoring and technical advisory services to CIDA’s support for the Health Sector in Pakistan, which represents $25 million (CAD). Key responsibilities include to assess, at a macro level, the strategic approach and direction of CIDA’s programming in...
Universalia was contracted to carry out the evaluation of UNIFEM’s partnerships with regional organizations. This is a corporate evaluation and is undertaken as part of the 2008 evaluation plan of the Evaluation Unit. Given the recent growth in partnerships with regional organizations, this...
The COMPASS program of Simcoe country links schools with health and community service providers to better serve children in need. The objective of this assignment was to evaluate the performance of the COMPASS program and provide improvement recommendations. The COMPASS program included both the...
The Water and Sanitation Program is an international partnership which aims to provide increased access to improved water and sanitation services for poor people living in rural and urban areas across the world. The overall purpose of this evaluation was to provide an independent evaluation of the...
Universalia has been responsible for managing a five-year $12.5 million Government Advisory and Exchange Program (GAEP) designed to provide Russian public and private sector institutions, agencies and organizations with fast and flexible access to Canadian expertise and experience in support of the...
The GDPRD commissioned Universalia to undertake a network evaluation in December 2007. GDPRD is a joint donors’ initiative aimed at fostering donor coordination and contributing to improving aid effectiveness in the rural sector in order to put “agriculture back on the agenda”. GDPRD was founded in...
Universalia a réalisé l’évaluation du Fonds pour la coopération technique du Commonwealth (CTFC). Ce mandat a impliqué une équipe multidisciplinaire et multilingue ayant la responsabilité de faire cinq missions terrain (Gambie, Tanzanie, Inde, Grenada, St Vincent et les Grenadines, îles Salomon et...
L’Initiative du Bassin du Nil (IBN) est un partenariat des États riverains du Nil qui vise à développer la région du fleuve de façon coopérative avec des bénéfices socio-économiques partagés. Les neuf États partenaires ont élaboré une vision commune qui vise à atteindre un développement socio-...
