


The objective of the Evaluation of the Mision de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz in Colombia of the Organization of the North American states was to provide a summative and a formative evaluation of the MAPP/OEA since its inception, with a particular emphasis on its last 2010/2013 phase. The evaluation...
In 2007, UNFPA and UNICEF launched a joint programme entitled “Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Accelerating Change” with the objective of contributing to a forty per cent reduction of the practice among girls aged 0–15 years, with at least one country declared free of FGM/C by 2012.
Veuillez noter que la description de ce projet est disponible en anglais seulement.
The evaluation was an end-of-cycle evaluation of the cooperation programme “Social protection and social inclusion in Latin North America and the Caribbean” implemented between 2010 and 2011 by ECLAC and the Swedish...
Le Programme Eau et Assainissement est un partenariat international visant à fournir un accès accru à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement pour les populations pauvres vivant dans les zones rurales et urbaines à travers le monde.
The evaluation was an end-of-cycle evaluation of the cooperation programme “Social protection and social inclusion in Latin North America and the Caribbean” implemented between 2010 and 2011 by ECLAC and the Swedish International Cooperation Agency (Sida) in Latin North America and the Caribbean...
L'évaluation à mi-parcours de YouthSave vise à faire le point de l’avancement de ce projet à ce jour et de le comparer à ses objectifs initiaux. En d’autres termes, cette évaluation vise à capturer les progrès qui ont été accomplis par rapport aux objectifs initiaux, au plan de travail et au...
UNICEF’s establishment of a Global Evaluation Quality Assurance System to ensure that evaluations managed or commissioned by UNICEF meet high quality standards has its roots in the Global Evaluation Compact endorsed in 2009, which commits the Evaluation Office and the Regional Offices to...
Universalia completed a review of the portfolio of grants in support of gender equality and women’s leadership allocated by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) between 2005-2012 to determine the type of gender equality outputs generated by its investments in this field and their contribution to the RF’...
Universalia a mené l’évaluation sommative du Cadre de responsabilisation et de coordination de la Feuille de route pour la dualité linguistique 2008-2013 – composante Justice Canada. Le cadre vise à renforcer la coordination horizontale du Programme des langues officielles (PLO) afin de garantir le...
Universalia carried out an evaluation of OCHA’s role in humanitarian civil-military coordination (CMCoord) for OCHA HQ. The objective of the evaluation was to determine OCHA’s effectiveness in carrying out the CMCoord function as well as best practices and lessons learned for forward looking...
