


En 1972, la BCD a initié le Programme de Prêt Étudiant afin de faciliter l’accès aux Fonds pour le Développement des ressources humaines aux gouvernements faisant partie de l’organisation des États de l’est des Caraïbes, du Belize et des territoires dépendants. Depuis ces 30 ans d’existence, la BCD...
The purpose of this review was to assess the on-going relevance and strategic orientation of Rights and Democracy (R&D) programming in the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The evaluation provided R&D with recommendations and conclusions that drew on past performance and experience, but were...
The assignment was intended to initiate a pilot process for building the RBM capacity of managers in key public sector implementing agencies in two countries (the Philippines and Peoples’ Republic of China). The aim was to ensure that managers understood the RBM approach to performance measurement...
Ce projet consistait à faire l’évaluation du Centre d’Épidémiologie des Caraïbes, du Centre de Nutrition des Caraïbes, du Centre de Recherche en Santé, du Laboratoire régional des Caraïbes et du Centre en santé environnementale des Caraïbes. Les objectifs principaux du mandat d’Universalia était d’...
From 2002 to 2005, Universalia worked with the Evaluation Unit of the African Development Bank to design results-based management and evaluation systems to improve the development effectiveness of the Bank. The steps included an initial institutional needs/readiness assessment, followed by design...
In partnership with The Governance Network of Ottawa, Canada, a forward-looking organizational performance review of the 22 ministries of the Government of Guyana was conducted that featured the system-wide usage of Universalia’s Institutional and Organizational Assessment methodologies and other...
UniCon, a joint venture of Universalia and the Conference Board of Canada, monitored three projects in the good governance portfolio and advisory support on monitoring results at the program level for both the governance portfolio and the Viet Nam program overall. At the project level, UniCon...
Universalia was asked to carry out an independent assessment of PARTNERS, a non-profit organization that enables poor rural communities in developing nations to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The objectives of the assessment were to: 1) provide reliable findings, and practical recommendations for...
The STD/HIV Control project in Kenya is an initiative of the University of Manitoba in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, funded by CIDA. The project believes that focused interventions can have a considerable impact on the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the population. The evaluation...
The West African Capital Market Development Project promotes regional integration, both in terms of infrastructure (by financing regional infrastructure projects) and financial markets, across the eight WEAMU countries. It: (1) contribute to the development of the capital market in the eight...
