Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the first summer School on ‘Peace Operations

Yvan Conoir, Universalia's associate will soon celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the first Summer School of the Political Science and Law Faculty, in association with the Raoul Dandurand Chaire in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies of UQAM, on "Peace Operations"', which has been followed the years after by the Summer School on "International Humanitarian Operations" and the Summer School on "Peacebuilding Principles and Operations" (see https://fspd.uqam.ca/ecoles-dete/informations.html ).

The themes presented are at the heart of Yvan Conoir's practice as an evaluator: he recently led an important evaluation for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, led a regional evaluation last fall in Western Africa for the Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as well as participating to the conception of a Manual of indicators for the Instrument contributing to Peace and Security (IcPS) of the European Union.