Universalia’s Jérôme Gandin has been awarded the 2012 Kari Polanyi Levitt Prize.

Universalia is proud to announce that Jérôme Gandin has been awarded the 2012 Kari Polanyi Levitt Prize.

The Kari Polanyi-Levitt Prize is awarded annually to the best original essay by a graduate student in the area of international development studies. The Prize includes $1,000 cash, a travel grant (based on CASID criteria) to assist in travel to present the essay, and consideration of the essay in the regular editorial process of the Canadian Journal of Development Studies.

The essay submitted for this contest deals with the sustainable livelihoods strategies implemented by poor rural communities living in the Usumacinta river basin (Mexico and Guatemala), which is part of Jérôme’s doctoral research.