Watch Barbara Rosenstein and Abdou Karim Lo videos celebrating EvalYear 2015!

The next two videos from the EvalStory Campaign promoting the International Year of Evaluation are now available online.

The first video is from Barbara Rosenstein, President of the Israeli Association for Program Evaluation (IAPE). Dr. Rosenstein has been active in the field of program evaluation since 1986 when she began working for Bernard van Leer Foundation Projects in Israel. Her work has focused on community development, reform in education, diversity and early childhood programs.

In her video, Dr. Rosenstein discusses the importance of ensuring that evaluations are user-friendly. She calls for evaluations to be solidly grounded in research, relevant to policy-makers, and commissioned slowly over time (so as to be absorbed into organizations’ strategies and policies). In her view, the International Year of Evaluation has sparked global interest in using evaluation as a tool to encourage learning.

The second video is from Abdou Karim Lo, Vice-President of the Senegalese Evaluation Association (SenEval). He is the former Delegate for State Reform (Délégué pour la réforme de l’État), and the current Permanent Secretary for Peer Evaluation in Senegal. He has worked for over 18 years in the field of evaluation, with a focus on public sector reforms.

In his video, he calls for a stronger focus on the quality of evaluation reports, particularly by developing stronger methodological capacities. In the next few years, he believes that evaluation will increasingly be used as a tool to enable civil society to demand greater public accountability.

You are welcome to add your voice to the campaign by writing to Jérôme Gandin at If you are interested in joining the EvalPartners initiative to promote an enabling environment for evaluation in line with the Global Evaluation Agenda, please write to Asela Kalugampitiya at