Watch Jindra Cekan and Charles Lusthaus videos celebrating EvalYear 2015!

The next two videos from the EvalStory Campaign promoting the International Year of Evaluation are now available online.

The first video is from Jindra Cekan, Evaluation Specialist. Dr. Cekan is the Founder/President of Valuing Voices at Cekan Consulting LLC. She has 28 years of experience in using participatory evaluation methods, particularly in the areas of self-sustainability, food security/ livelihoods, and knowledge management. She has worked in 25 countries.

The second video is from Charles Lusthaus, Founder and Senior Consultant at Universalia. For over 30 years, Dr. Lusthaus was a professor in the McGill University Department of Administration and Policy Studies in Education. He taught educational management courses in organizational theory and behaviour, strategic management, organizational development, planning, and monitoring and evaluation to over a thousand graduate students.

You are welcome to add your voice to the campaign by writing to Jérôme Gandin at If you are interested in joining the EvalPartners initiative to promote an enabling environment for evaluation in line with the Global Evaluation Agenda, please write to Asela Kalugampitiya at