Corporate process review of CDB's Management for Development Results

Project ID: 


Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Katrina Rojas
Featured services: 
Monitoring and Evaluation
November, 2020 to June, 2021

Universalia is conducting a review of the current state of MfDR practice in the Bank, including the assessment of the strengths and
areas of improvement in the Bank’s internal context, capacities and performance in MfDR at different levels. The review will provide an
informed external view of MfDR practices in CDB and recommend changes or possible improvements in this area.

It will review the Corporate Strategy and its Results Management Framework, Development Effectiveness Reviews, and Results Frameworks and their
use in sector policies and operational strategies, country programs and projects since 2015. Methodologically, this evaluation is using
a mixed methods approach, anchored in the development of a detailed review framework.

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Release Date: 
November, 2020