Universalia to conduct the Mid Term Review of the Strategy for Australia’s Aid Investments in Education 2015-2020

The Strategy for Australia’s aid investments in education 2015-2020, released in September 2015, outlines how Australia will work with partner countries to help develop stronger education systems.

Universalia and Oxford Policy Management have been mandated by DFAT to conduct the mid-term review of the Strategy for Australia’s aid investments in education 2015-2020. The objectives of the review are to assess the extent to which the strategy has guided the development and implementation of Australia’s education investments. Emphasis is being placed on assessing the design of the strategy and its suitability for DFAT’s changing internal and external context, and on an assessment of its preliminary results in terms of influencing the development and implementation of education investments.

The evaluation will be led by Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien.