Universalia a rempli le mandat d’évaluer la pertinence et l’impact des programmes d’OIDD sur les individus qui ont participé directement aux cours et aux activités d’OIDD ainsi que sur leurs collègues et leurs partenaires institutionnels. Plus précisément, cette évaluation avait pour objectif de...
The purpose of the assignment was to assess needs, design, and establish an ongoing monitoring and evaluation system that would enable CCI to determine if it is achieving its program objectives and results; what unplanned results are being achieved; and further CCI’s understanding of how best to...
At the request of the Dirección de Presupuestos (DIPRES) of the Government of Chile, the World Bank conducted a review of the government’s evaluation system, which has been in place since 1997. As part of this broader study, Universalia carried out a meta-evaluation of a small sample of the...
Universalia undertook a multi-year monitoring assignment of the CIDA South Asian Regional People and Policy Program, a multi-faceted program focused on strengthening the role of civil society organizations, enhancing women’s roles in local governance, democratization, and strengthening public...
Development of Monitoring, Auditing, and Evaluation Capacities for the G8 Global Partnership Program
Universalia assisted FAC to develop a strategy for monitoring GPP and helped it develop draft RMAFs and RBAFs for five program initiatives. The Global Partnership Program (GPP) is $1 billion, multi-year initiative. Its mission is to implement projects in Russia and other countries of the former...
The assignment was intended to initiate a pilot process for building the RBM capacity of managers in key public sector implementing agencies in two countries (the Philippines and Peoples’ Republic of China). The aim was to ensure that managers understood the RBM approach to performance measurement...
The purpose of this review was to assess the on-going relevance and strategic orientation of Rights and Democracy (R&D) programming in the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The evaluation provided R&D with recommendations and conclusions that drew on past performance and experience, but were...
UniCon, a joint venture of Universalia and the Conference Board of Canada, monitored three projects in the good governance portfolio and advisory support on monitoring results at the program level for both the governance portfolio and the Viet Nam program overall. At the project level, UniCon...
This $20 million CIDA project was designed to support the Russian Federation to implement democratic reforms and to make a successful transition to a market economy. A key objective of the program was to assist Russia in developing the public sector skills needed to manage the complexities of...
In partnership with The Governance Network of Ottawa, Canada, a forward-looking organizational performance review of the 22 ministries of the Government of Guyana was conducted that featured the system-wide usage of Universalia’s Institutional and Organizational Assessment methodologies and other...