Projects Worldwide



The main objective of this assignment was to assess the performance of SDF 10, two years into its implementation. The MTR examined whether the objectives and targets of the fund, in relation to building social, economic and environmental resilience; supporting disaster risk management,...
The CDB’s Office of Independent Evaluation commissioned Universalia to conduct a Review of the CDB’s 2017 Education and Training Policy and Strategy (ETPS). The Review aimed to assess past performance and draw lessons and recommendations from CDB’s work in the education and training sector from...
The mid-term review aimed to answer the overarching quesiton of "how well has the SDF 9 done so far?" and "what is needed to strengthen its influence in the future?". The review team conducted an in-depth desk review and key informant interview, as well field visits to Barbados (CDB headquarters),...
The overall objective of CGEF (1996-2001) was aimed at complementing the Division’s efforts toward meeting women’s needs by focusing on creating the space and potential for women to advance their strategic interests across all aspects of their lives. In addition, objectives were identified for each...