Projects Worldwide



Universalia designed and delivered a five-day workshop on managing by results throughout the project cycle for 100 agency staff members (including senior and mid-management and operational staff). The assignment included: 1) a review of participant training needs; 2) extensive consultation with the...
The objective of these training programs was to support the development of Bank’s project managers’ skills to use and develop a RBM approach, to support the efforts of the Bank to direct its activities to the achievement of more successful results. The training program consisted of the following...
Universalia assembled a multi-disciplinary team to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the Caribbean Development Bank’s premier poverty reduction programme, the Basic Needs Trust Fund (Fifth Replenishment). The assignment, which is presently in its final phases, has involved in-depth field...
The goal of the Universalia-managed EDP was to contribute to the development of inclusive, learner-centered education systems that model respect and peaceful co-existence among all. EDP has three components: Kosovo (Kosovo Educator Development Project (KEDP) – Phase I 2001-2003), Serbia (Serbia...
CSEARHAP’s purpose is to strengthen the national response of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR to reduce mobile populations’ vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in a regionally coordinated and gender-sensitive manner by implementing the Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS and mobility as well as through...
Centraide is a Canadian NGO that works to combat poverty in Montreal by conducting an annual fundraising campaign that involves thousands of volunteers, and by financing a network of community agencies and projects. Universalia helped Centraide to develop logical frameworks to guide their programme...
The Cities Alliance is a global coalition of cities and their development partners committed to scaling up successful approaches to poverty reduction. The Alliance brings cities together in a direct dialogue with bilateral and multilateral agencies and financial institutions and those members...
The objective of this project was to assist the Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board in developing a master plan (including generation, transmission, and distribution) to the year 2015, and formulate and implement appropriate tariff policies. The project was developed into six major components....
The evaluation focused on the implementation of two major programmes: Enhancing Human Security through Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS (HSP) and UNIFEM Africa Regional Programme of Action on HIV/AIDS (ARP). The overall objectives of the evaluation was to generate knowledge that underpins...
Universalia conducted the evaluation of the relevance and sustainable impact of IDLO’s activities on the individuals who have participated in IDLO courses and activities, as well as upon their stakeholders, including their employing institutions, colleagues and cooperative partners. More...
