Projects Worldwide



The objective of the UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change (SACC) is to enable Member States to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts through education, sciences, culture and communication and information. UNESCO’s SACC prioritizes actions contributing to gender...

UN Women has commissioned this assignment to support an internal review of its work within the Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) from 2014-2018.
2019 marks the five-year anniversary for the implementation of UBRAF, and UN Women wants to use this opportunity to reflect...
Universalia delivered a theory-based evaluation that provided a summative assessment of the extent to which CanopyStyle has met its objectives and a formative assessment of the key programmatic and operational factors that have enabled and/or inhibited its ability to meet its objectives.
Using OECD... launched the New Ventures Fund NVF in 2011 as a philanthropic pool of capital to search for and launch the next round of big ideas to address the global water and sanitation crisis directly affecting people and communities. Commissioned by the C&A Foundation, Universalia conducted an...
As the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility (the ‘Tenure Facility’ or ‘TF’) moved from its incubation period through to its establishment phase, the TF and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) commissioned Universalia to conduct this evaluation, assessing both programmatic and...
Coffey International Development, the Managing Contractor for DFAT’s Australia Awards in Indonesia, has mandated Universalia to conduct the evaluation of its Split-Site Master’s Pilot Program implemented from 2012 to 2014. This award program involved 12 months of study at an Indonesian university...
Universalia was contracted by the Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) to carry out organizational assessments of Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Sub-National Disaster Management Agencies (BPBDs) to inform AIFDR ’s new program and identify major...
In 2011, in consultation with donors, OCHA instituted an evaluation policy to conduct triennial global evaluations of country-based pooled funds. As such, a global evaluation of the Emergency Response Funds (ERFs) will be conducted in 2012, replacing individual ERF evaluations periodically...
The water and sanitation program is an international partnership which aims to provide increased access to improved water and sanitation services for poor people living in rural and urban areas across the world. The objectives of this mid-term evaluation were to assess the implementation progress...
The evaluation of the GFDRR consisted in reviewing the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the partnership in the context of reducing a country’s vulnerability to natural hazards and climate variability. It had to identify constraints and recommend refinements to mainstreaming disaster risk...
